Finger Lakes Area Answering Service

The Answering Service consists of A.A. members who answer telephone calls to Alcoholics Anonymous in the Finger Lakes. Calls for help are referred to appropriate 12th Step volunteers.  We provide A.A. listings in the telephone directories for Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties in Western New York. We are coordinated by a small committee of volunteers from our groups and are supported by the FLAI. We also publish, and frequently update, a schedule of meetings on this website. Conference approved AA literature online and in print can be obtained from AA’s GSO, Area 47 and also from Rochester Area Intergroup.


It has long been a practice to include Al-Anon meetings on the meeting schedule. Although Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon Family Groups are separate fellowships, we have also included some links to Al-Anon websites in the spirit of cooperation. 

Special info for membership